This paper investigates legal logic start with the relation between law and logic. 本文从法律与逻辑的关系入手考察法律逻辑。
Also, this paper maintains the rationalization and fairness of Portias deciding the case from the viewpoint of the modem legal system, legal logic procedures a. 从法律逻辑程序和执法的正义性等方面,也可认定鲍细娅断案的公正与合理。
Legal logic uses not only the knowledge of formal logic, but the knowledge of dialectical logic, language logic an debate logic, etc. 法律逻辑不仅运用形式逻辑的知识,还运用辩证逻辑的知识,以及语言逻辑,论辩逻辑等逻辑知识。
The Legal Logic of the Rise of the Western World on the Property Right Theory 从诺思的产权理论看西方世界兴起的法律逻辑
Negative Reflection on the Formalization of Legal Logic 对法律逻辑学形式化定位的否定性思考
At the very least the BIS is caught uncomfortably between the legal logic of the holdouts and the political logic of sovereign countries. 国际清算银行至少是被认为是债权人法律逻辑和赖账国家政治逻辑的不安定因素。
In view of this situation, common law and civil law have adopted the different regulations method which is based on the different value judgment and the legal logic system. 针对这种情形,英美法系和大陆法系基于不同的价值判断和法律逻辑体系采取了不同的规制方法。
The evaluation of legal form is the evaluation of the legal concept, legal logic, legal principles, legal rules and expression carrier of the law. 而法律的形式评价是指对法律概念、法律逻辑、法律原则和规则及法律的表述载体的评价。
Whether a judge could give a fair judgment through right legal logic in administrative litigation is an important index to good administrative litigation system. 行政诉讼制度运行良好的一个重要指针就是法官能够在行政诉讼案件中运用正确的法律推理思维与方法而得到“正当的个案裁判”。
In fact, this proves that legal logic is possible in logic. 这实际上是从逻辑学的角度论证了法律思维的可能性。
The research on the institutions in the future should adopt systematical method, be open to the theories and methodologies of other disciplines, rather than merely use the legal logic analytical approach. 未来的制度性研究应当是采用了体系化思考方法的制度性研究,应当是面向其他学科的研究方法和研究成果开放的制度性研究,而非单纯采用法律的逻辑分析方法的制度性研究。
The above process is called legal reasoning in term of legal logic. 法律逻辑称这一过程为法律推理。
Probe into the Study Object of Legal Logic 关于法律逻辑研究对象的探讨
Firstly, it points out that the regulations of America are contrary to our current legal logic. 首先,指出美国的不实陈述统一侵权责任制度,与我国现行法律逻辑体系相背离,难以为借鉴。
In recent years, Legal reasoning is the hot issues in legal logic research. The study of legal reasoning never stopped, in the process of applicable law plays a pivotal role. 法律推理是近年来法律逻辑学研究中的热点问题,对于法律推理的研究从未停止过,法律推理在适用法律的过程中都起着举足轻重的作用。
This includes defeasible reasoning for the approach method of legal logic. 这其中就包含了以可辩驳推理为进路的法律逻辑方法。
This assay analyzes questions which collective land ownership exists from the legal logic angle. 本文从法律逻辑的角度对集体土地所有权制度存在的问题进行了分析。
The legal logic of reasoning is the main object of study, also the jurisprudence of which is an important legal methods. 法律推理是法律逻辑学的主要研究对象,同时也是法理学当中一个重要的法律方法问题。
The particularity of the system determines that it does not meet the general legal logic, does not meet the existing legal system. 该制度的特殊性决定了它不符合一般的法律逻辑,不符合现有的法律制度。
The research in academic circles on the legal logic has entered a new phase, a qualitative leap. 学界对法律逻辑的研究已进入新阶段,有质的飞跃。
Legal logic view is not limited to the areas of the law, which eventually goes beyond the law, takes research results feedback to logic, and reflects and contents logic and its basic theory relying on. 法律逻辑的视野不仅限于法律领域,它最终要超越法律,将研究成果反馈于逻辑学,对作为其依托的逻辑基本理论加以反思、充实,这也是其自身的应用价值和学术价值所在。
Legal logic research situation requires us to ponder related issues in logical application of the legal field. 法律逻辑的研究现状要求我们认真思考法律领域的逻辑应用研究的相关问题。
With a different perspective as the same as the logical application of the legal field, research perspectives of legal logic are multi-dimensional, that scrutiny the logical application of the legal field from a variety of different perspectives. 与法律领域的逻辑应用有不同的研究视角一致,法律逻辑的研究视角也是多维的,可以从不同角度对法律领域的逻辑应用作逻辑的审视。
In the first part, general questions on judicial notice are elaborated, including its concept, features, legal logic and its difference and relation with some other similar concepts. 第一部分为概论,主要论述了司法认知规则的一般性问题,对司法认知的概念、特征、法理基础及与相关概念的区别和联系作了深入的研究。
And then expounding the three stages of experiences of our country legal logic research. 进而阐述从法律逻辑研究起步至今,我国法律逻辑研究大体经历的三个阶段。
Against such a background, the theoretical research on legal logic and legal argumentation tends to replace it with some formal rules or substantial standards. 因此,法律逻辑与法律论证理论的研究,多倾向于放弃司法三段论的思维范式,而以某种形式规则或实质标准来替代。
Existing rules and theory values are subject to be enhanced in legal logic and legal values. 现行规范和理论在法律价值的周延和法律逻辑的顺畅方面有待于进一步提升。
Reasoning research is the center of logic, so legal reasoning is the core concerns of legal logic. 逻辑学以推理为研究中心,法律逻辑关注的核心问题也是法律推理。
This section will divide the basic problems of legal logic into three aspects: First, introducing the research background of legal logic and real development situation. 这部分将法律逻辑基本问题分三个方面进行阐述:首先,介绍我国法律逻辑研究背景及现实发展状况。